Friday, August 10, 2007

What Is A Middler Schooler?

What Is A Middle Schooler?

What is a middle schooler?
I was asked one day.
I knew what he was,
But what should I say?

He is noise and confusion,
He is silence that is deep.
He is sunshine and laughter,
Or a cloud that will weep.

He is swift as an arrow,
He is a waster of time.
He wants to be rich,
But cannot save a dime.

He is rude and nasty,
He is polite as can be.
He wants personal guidance,
But fights to be free.

He is aggressive and bossy,
He is timid and shy.
He knows all the answers,
But still will ask why.

He is awkward and clumsy,
He is graceful and poised.
He is ever changing,
But do not be annoyed.

What is a middle schooler?
I was asked one day.
He is the future unfolding,
So do not stand in his way.

by an anonymous 8th grader
from The Essential Middle School

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was very true!