Sunday, August 05, 2007

Cajun Ten Commandments

I was putting the final touches on my class room since school starts back tomorrow when I found a post card that made me laugh and I thought I would share what it had to say.


1. Jus be one God in heaven.

2. Don't have no idols.

3. Don't be cuss'n nobody.

4. Brought yo'self to church.

5. Listen to yo maw maw an paw paw.

6. Don't be kilt nobody.

7. Don't sleep with yo brother's wife.

8. Don't yo took nothin.

9. Always told the troot.

10. Don't yo wish fo yo neighbor's pirogue.

Descendents of about 4,000 Acadians, French settlers in Nova Scotia, Canada, who were forcibly transported by the British to south Louisiana in 1755.

PIROGUE - Originally a canoe made from a hollowed out tree trunk. Cajuns later made them very simple by joining two boards at the ends, bowed out in the middle, with a third board for the floor. They were made very small, usually for one person, and could float in water only inches deep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL at this. :D