Sunday, January 17, 2010

Generation Gap...

Back in the fall I attended a dinner and the guest speaker Jason Dorsey spoke on the difference between generations and how that can lead to conflicts in the work place. But how being aware of these difference can lead to understand and help resolve conflict maybe fore they even happen. He was say how on some school campuses for the first time we have 4 different generations working together and that is presenting some unique challenges.

So what are the generations and the characteristics? Here is a list of the four generations along with one or two of there characteristics. This is by no means an extensive detailed list but should be read as more a general overview.

1) Mature Generation - Pre 1945
  • Strong Military Contection
  • Loyal to company
2) Baby Boomers - 1945 - 1964
  • No short cuts to success
  • Loyal to company
3) Generation X - 1965 - 1976
  • Prove it to me
  • Loyal to Individual
4) Generation Y - 1977 - 1995
  • Feeling of entitlement
  • Loves instant gratification
  • known for having big expectations
  • Tech dependent
At this point we don't have a name for the next generation yet. The name given to a generation is usually a reflection of a unifying characteristic.

Recognizing characteristic of another generation can help with dealing with them. Understanding that a Gen-Y'er is going to want instant gratification and is so dependent on technology that when the server goes down they get stressed out and don't know what to do because their lesson involves the computer. These are the teachers that get out of the car with headphones in the ears and walk into the staff room listening to the ipod. They don't understand why texting during
class would be seen as a problem to another teacher.

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