Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Comic Con Actors Hit the Exhibit Hall...

htSeeing actors on the exhibit hall floor at Comic Con is common. Many of the studio booths sponsor autograph signings to promote movies and tv shows either before or after the panels for the respective show/movie.

After the Stargate Continuum panel I was down at the SciFi booth registering for one of their give aways when Amanda Tapping, Martin Wood, and Ben Browder walked up next to me. They were checking out the promo buttons that SciFi was giving away at the booth. In the first picture below Amanda is taking a picture of the Sanctuary promo button one of the SciFi folks had on. A friend of mine had given me a custom made Martin Wood button that I was wearing and that allowed me to strike up a conversation with Martin when I said a lot of folks had Sanctuary button but only one person at Comic Con had a Martin Wood button. He said "Oh, how COOL!" and then wanted to take a picture. The director in him wanted to get the perfect picture and it took him several tries with Ben having to lend a hand. During this time we talked a bit about his involvement with DVD commentaries for Stargate and he said he really enjoys doing them and as long as he has the free time and is asked he will continue to take part in them.

Fox Home Entertainment sponsored a Continuum autograph signing at the Stargate booth and because I had asked a question during the panel earlier in the day I had a ticket so I was able to pick up an autographed Continuum poster. Because they were moving people through very quickly I was able to get a decent picture at the beginning of the auto line but not at the end.

Amanda Tapping, Ben Browder, & Martin Wood at the SciFi Booth

Martin, Amanda, & Ben at the Stargate booth signing Continuum posters

Richard Dean Anderson & Brad Wright signing Continuum posters

Martin Wood at the Stargate Booth

John Barrowman and Gareth David-Lloyd from Torchwood spent Thursday and Friday at Holzheimer’s booth # 3845 signing autographs. Gareth was also there on Saturday and Sunday.

John Barrowman


Gareth David-Lloyd


Anonymous said...

No M. Shanks and C.Judge photos? They were just near RDA....

Nora said...

They were rushing people thru the auto lines by the time I got to the second half of the line. The one pic. I was able to take was blurry, the one of RDA and Brad. Michael never looked up. Chris did look up and said thanks for coming and as I started to take a picture the guy with fox working the booth stuck his arm up in the way and all I have is his arm in Chris's face. I was able to get a picture of Ben, Amanda and Martin because the line stopped in front of them. My roommate ended up coming through the line at a different time and the line stopped in front of RDA and Michael so she got pictures of them and not the others, that is just the way things go.

Anonymous said...

Thanks however.