Thursday, July 24, 2008

Comic Con 2008 Pre-View Night

Today was the first day of Comic Con 2008. Folks with four day passes were able to pick up their badges starting at 3:00 pm this afternoon. The exhibit hall opened it's doors at 6:00 pm for Pre-View night.

I arrived at 9:00 am this morning to help put the finishing touches on the booth I will be working this year. When I arrived at the convention center I found that there was already a line of about 100 people waiting to pick up their badge for the weekend. I did not get outside to see what the line was like but I heard that it snaked around the outside of the convention center. The hall opened at 6:00 pm and by 7:00 pm the exhibit hall floor was packed with people.

Here are a few pictures I snapped as the exhibit hall was being set up today and a few after it opened before things got so busy I had to put the camera down.

Stargate Booth



SciFi Channel

Journey to The Center of the Earth

Entrance to the Restrooms

Jabba the Hut

WB Water Tower

Here Come the People

Quiet Outside After the Exhibit Hall Closes

It all starts again in 6 hours. Tomorrow will be the first day filled with panels. Lots of autograph signings going on all over the place. For tonight it is time to get some sleep........................

1 comment:

archersangel said...

the stargate booth looks cool.