Saturday, March 06, 2010

Old Glory

A Cut Above

I am your flag. I have been kicked, trampled, burned, and shot full of holes. I have fought battles,but I prefer the untroubled air of a world at peace.

I am your flag. I represent the freedom of humanity, and I shall fly high, thundering in silence for the whole world to hear. My gentle rustling in the breeze sounds out the warning to all who would bury me forever that below stands a population dedicated to liberty.

For those who have perished for my right to freedom of flight, for those who will die, and indeed, for those who will live, I stand as a symbol of freedom-loving people.

I have been carried into battle in faraway lands, always for the cause of freedom. I am bloodstained, torn, and many times wearied and saddened by the thousands who have paid the supreme sacrifice. Do not let it all be for nothing. Tell me the brave have all died for a worthwhile cause. Be proud of what I represent, and display me for all to see.

Whether you call me "Old Glory", "Stars and Stripes" or "Star Spangled Banner", I shall fly forever as a symbol of your freedom, as I did for your ancestor, and as I shall be for your heirs.

I am YOUR flag.

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